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Hi, I'm effie. How can I help you today?


Our Values

We are an international company, and we specialize in international digital communication. Our expertise and success in this arena are owed in tremendous part to the plurality of cultures, identities, and backgrounds represented across our team.  


Diversity and inclusion are not just assets to our company. They are essential to the work we do. Though we strive to continuously improve, we take great pride and care in our efforts to ensure our team reflects an international community.


We encourage sharing different perspectives for the potential revelations they can bring.  

We encourage linguistic plurality and development among colleagues.  

We encourage collaboration and open communication between colleagues from different cultures. We encourage learning about and celebrating the cultures of our colleagues.  

We discourage speaking on behalf of others, especially groups to whom we do not belong.  

We reject discrimination in any form and seek to correct it wherever it arises.

We are an international company, and we specialize in international digital communication. Our expertise and success in this arena are owed in tremendous part to the plurality of cultures, identities, and backgrounds represented across our team.  


Diversity and inclusion are not just assets to our company. They are essential to the work we do. Though we strive to continuously improve, we take great pride and care in our efforts to ensure our team reflects an international community.


We encourage sharing different perspectives for the potential revelations they can bring.  

We encourage linguistic plurality and development among colleagues.  

We encourage collaboration and open communication between colleagues from different cultures. We encourage learning about and celebrating the cultures of our colleagues.  

We discourage speaking on behalf of others, especially groups to whom we do not belong.  

We reject discrimination in any form and seek to correct it wherever it arises.

Trust is the cornerstone of any relationship, including professional ones. Our clients trust us to deliver high quality work, and we as colleagues trust one another for support in our ongoing dedication to quality.  


A trusting work environment is built over time through open communication about expectations, methods, boundaries, and shortcomings. We strive to forge a transparent workplace in which colleagues feel mutually responsible for delivering excellent outcomes and upholding compliance with all quality and privacy standards.


We encourage clear and timely communication about deadlines and expectations.  

We encourage sharing knowledge and information to clarify processes.  

We encourage asking questions, asking for help, and asking for feedback.  

We encourage open and ongoing dialogue about issues of data privacy.  

We discourage unilateral decision making.  

We discourage taking shortcuts at the detriment of long-term goals. 

Trust is the cornerstone of any relationship, including professional ones. Our clients trust us to deliver high quality work, and we as colleagues trust one another for support in our ongoing dedication to quality.  


A trusting work environment is built over time through open communication about expectations, methods, boundaries, and shortcomings. We strive to forge a transparent workplace in which colleagues feel mutually responsible for delivering excellent outcomes and upholding compliance with all quality and privacy standards.


We encourage clear and timely communication about deadlines and expectations.  

We encourage sharing knowledge and information to clarify processes.  

We encourage asking questions, asking for help, and asking for feedback.  

We encourage open and ongoing dialogue about issues of data privacy.  

We discourage unilateral decision making.  

We discourage taking shortcuts at the detriment of long-term goals. 

Positivity is inherent to our brand of professionalism, both when engaging with clients and colleagues. Though we are indeed a friendly bunch, our philosophy of positivity has more to do with outcomes than with a cheery disposition.  


We believe a constructive communication style is necessarily a goaloriented one, which makes it the most effective means of inspiring confidence and attracting new opportunities. By letting our objectives guide our communication, we remain motivated and focused on what is important.


We encourage a proactive approach to solicit feedback and find solutions.  

We encourage speaking with others, rather than about them.  

We encourage listening closely and speaking intentionally.  

We encourage sharing good news about our professional and personal accomplishments, as well as about the wider world.  

We discourage criticizing without problem solving.  

We discourage superficial optimism over actionable realism.

Positivity is inherent to our brand of professionalism, both when engaging with clients and colleagues. Though we are indeed a friendly bunch, our philosophy of positivity has more to do with outcomes than with a cheery disposition.  


We believe a constructive communication style is necessarily a goaloriented one, which makes it the most effective means of inspiring confidence and attracting new opportunities. By letting our objectives guide our communication, we remain motivated and focused on what is important.


We encourage a proactive approach to solicit feedback and find solutions.  

We encourage speaking with others, rather than about them.  

We encourage listening closely and speaking intentionally.  

We encourage sharing good news about our professional and personal accomplishments, as well as about the wider world.  

We discourage criticizing without problem solving.  

We discourage superficial optimism over actionable realism.

Investing in the professional development of our employees is among our highest priorities. By providing opportunities for individuals to build their skills and expand their industry knowledge, our agency benefits as a whole.  


We seek to support our colleagues as they pursue their ambitions both within and beyond our company. These efforts include, among other things, providing opportunities to attend trade shows, conferences, workshops, and other career-building events both virtually and in-person; supporting students with roles tailored to their academic interests; and financing a number of independent training and certification programs.  


We encourage learning-by-doing as well as learning-by-failing.  

We encourage everyone from interns to managers to attend industry events and interact directly with clients and their products.  

We encourage sharing specialized knowledge through internal seminars and mentorships.  

We encourage collaboration between absolute beginners and seasoned experts.  

We discourage settling for best practices in areas where we should be innovating.  

We discourage mindsets of resource scarcity and insularity.


Investing in the professional development of our employees is among our highest priorities. By providing opportunities for individuals to build their skills and expand their industry knowledge, our agency benefits as a whole.  


We seek to support our colleagues as they pursue their ambitions both within and beyond our company. These efforts include, among other things, providing opportunities to attend trade shows, conferences, workshops, and other career-building events both virtually and in-person; supporting students with roles tailored to their academic interests; and financing a number of independent training and certification programs.  


We encourage learning-by-doing as well as learning-by-failing.  

We encourage everyone from interns to managers to attend industry events and interact directly with clients and their products.  

We encourage sharing specialized knowledge through internal seminars and mentorships.  

We encourage collaboration between absolute beginners and seasoned experts.  

We discourage settling for best practices in areas where we should be innovating.  

We discourage mindsets of resource scarcity and insularity.


While we are a company of people who are passionate about our work, we also believe in creating space for passions beyond our professional lives. We strive to create a workplace that empowers, rather than impedes, employees in their efforts to engage in social and environmental causes.  


To make it easier for employees to volunteer for the cause of their choice, we provide additional paid-time off for social and environmental engagement outside of the office. But we also take care to nurture a workplace culture in which our colleagues can freely live their values and spearhead initiatives to make our office, and the world, a little better for everyone.  


We encourage making small changes that add up to big impacts.  

We encourage initiatives that give back to society and the planet.  

We encourage compassion for the struggles of others, be they colleagues or strangers.  

We encourage global thinking and local action.  

We discourage sharing information from dubious or politically motivated sources.  

We discourage cynicism and complacency.

While we are a company of people who are passionate about our work, we also believe in creating space for passions beyond our professional lives. We strive to create a workplace that empowers, rather than impedes, employees in their efforts to engage in social and environmental causes.  


To make it easier for employees to volunteer for the cause of their choice, we provide additional paid-time off for social and environmental engagement outside of the office. But we also take care to nurture a workplace culture in which our colleagues can freely live their values and spearhead initiatives to make our office, and the world, a little better for everyone.  


We encourage making small changes that add up to big impacts.  

We encourage initiatives that give back to society and the planet.  

We encourage compassion for the struggles of others, be they colleagues or strangers.  

We encourage global thinking and local action.  

We discourage sharing information from dubious or politically motivated sources.  

We discourage cynicism and complacency.