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Hi, I'm effie. How can I help you today?


Candy Wu
Project Manager
effective Shanghai

Short introduction: Where are you from, where and what have you studied, how did you come to effective?
"I'm born in Shanghai, China. I've studied at the University of Shanghai Science and Technology, majoring in Finance. (Surprise :D)
I started working for effective Shanghai in 2013 as Account Executive."
How is it to work for an international agency?
It is quite interesting.    

You have already visited the German Headquarter in Germany. How was it for you?
The office of the German headquarter is much bigger than Shanghai's.

For how long did you stay in Mannheim?
I've visited Mannheim twice. The first time was in 2015 and I stayed around 3 weeks. The other one was in 2019, for around 2 weeks.
What did you like most about Germany? 
The "Mannheimer Nachtwandel" which is a "Mannheim Night Walk". I've taken part to the night walk in 2019. It's an amazing activity.
Did you notice any cultural characteristics or differences in the work, for example regarding the communication?    
The communication platform WeChat is becoming more and more popular in China. Therefore, our Chinese customers are used to contact us via WeChat. Meanwhile, our foreign clients are still using email to connect with us.        
Ah, interesting. What does a company need to consider if they want to introduce WeChat?
Don't hesitate, just use WeChat's offical account right now.         
In China, almost everyone has their own personal WeChat account. Through WeChat we could easily get informed about the latest news, information, etc. For the company, they could build an own business WeChat account to post news, products' introducation, case studies, etc...even some mini websites, just like a mobile website.        
The company with a business license can open a WeChat offical account.

What mistakes happen most often when creating a WeChat account?        
Many times there are spelling mistakes made when registering the company on WeChat, which leads to an ineffective and slowed down workflow.

What advantage or positive effect can WeChat bring to a company?        
Through WeChat, the company could share the information about products, case studies, company news and so on with the followers, the company can provide tools in WeChat, like lead forms, download center, repair center, etc... The WeChat account is more like a small website.
The biggest advantage is the potential that customers can get to know the company in just a few minutes.
You can find more information about WeChat in our Whitepaper.

Do you feel that the companies that are interested in WeChat are sufficiently informed about it?
Not really. The new function in WeChat is getting updated really fast. Even for us, we still need to learn what's new and how to do it from time to time.        
I mean... what are the first steps, what do companies need to know before opening an WeChat Account? 
...what is necessary? Can anyone just open an WeChat Account or what do companies need?